도와주신 분
이 프로젝트는 한국과학기술원 AI604: 컴퓨터 비전을 위한 심층학습 기법 수업의 강의자와 조교가 관리합니다.
The instructor and the teaching assistants of KAIST AI604: Deep Learning for Computer Vision class are in charge of this project.
주재걸 (Jaegul Choo)
Instructor of AI604, KAIST AI.
[webpage / personal information]
조영우 (Youngwoo Cho)
Teaching assistant of AI604, KAIST AI.
[webpage / personal information]
박정훈 (Jeonghoon Park)
Teaching assistant of AI604, KAIST AI.
[webpage / personal information]
박성현 (Sunghyun Park)
Teaching assistant of AI604, KAIST AI.
[webpage / personal information]
이상현 (Sanghyeon Lee)
Teaching assistant of AI604, KAIST AI.
[webpage / personal information]
박채훈 (Chaehoon Park)
Teaching assistant of AI604, KAIST AI.
[webpage / personal information]
Contributors (writer & reviewer)
[2021 Fall] ContributorsLast updated
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